A few words about PI

The PI, Johnny Ho, was born and raised in Hong Kong. He moved to the United States to continue his education at the age of 16. At that time, in addition to school, he was very interested in semiconductor technologies and spent two summers performing undergraduate research at Mitsubishi Chemical USA and Micron Technology. In 2002, Johnny obtained his B.S. in chemical engineering with high honors from the University of California at Berkeley and then worked as a process engineer at National Semiconductor in Santa Clara, California. After gaining industrial R&D exposure in the center of Silicon Valley, Johnny went back to graduate school to further deepen his knowledge. He then received his M.S. and Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 2005 and 2009, respectively, under the supervision of Professor Ali Javey in electrical engineering. During his time in the Javey group, Johnny focused on the design of nano-materials, nano-fabrication and nano-devices for various technological applications. Due to the promising nature of his work, Johnny was selected for the Intel Foundation Ph.D. Fellow for 2007-09. Some examples of his work including monolayer doping, heterogeneous integration of nanowires, and high performance nanowire devices and circuits, etc. Before joining City University of Hong Kong, he also performed studies on energy-harvesting devices in the nanoscale synthesis and characterization group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California.




2009                          Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering,

                                  University of California, Berkeley (U.S.A)


2007-2009                 Intel Foundation Ph.D. Fellow (U.S.A)


2005                          M.S., Materials Science and Engineering,

                                  University of California, Berkeley (U.S.A.)


2002                          B.S., with High Honors, Chemical Engineering,

                                  University of California, Berkeley (U.S.A.)


Recent Awards and Research Achievement:


2024                          Gold Medal, 4th Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions Hong Kong


2024                          Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP)


2024                          Semi Grand Prix and Gold Medal, Silicon Valley International Invention Festiva


2024                          Young Fellow of The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (YFHKEng)


2024                          Materials and Devices Joint Research Award, NJRC for Materials and Devices


2023                          Gold Medal, 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva


2022                          Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Minning (FIMMM)


2022                          Fellow of International Assoc. of Advanced Materials (FIAAM)


2022                          Vebleo Fellow


2021                          Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)


2020                          The President’s Award, City University of Hong Kong


2020                          Nano Research Top Papers Award, Springer


2020                          Qingdao Science and Technology Award


2020                          Hong Kong RGC Research Fellowship


2019                          CityU Outstanding Supervisor Award


2018                          World Cultural Council (WCC) Special Recognition Award


2018                          CityU Outstanding Supervisor Award


2018                          CityU Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty


2018                          Municipal Science and Technology Project Award,

                                  Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission


2018                          Elected Founding Member (only 31), The Young Academy of Sciences of Hong

                                  Kong, Under The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong [https://yashk.org.hk/]


2017                          CityU Outstanding Supervisor Award


2017                          Municipal Science and Technology Project Award,

                                  Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission


2016                          The President’s Award, City University of Hong Kong


2015                          The Shandong Province Science and Technology Prize - Second Class Award